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Just the other day, the newest and most adored animation known to hit theatres in India is due for release. The movie is called Super Nani and it will premiere on July 25th. But unlike many movies before it, this one won't cost you anything to enjoy - all you have to do is download it! Here is a list of places that provide free downloads of Super Nani: Write an introduction for an informal blog post titled "6 Keys To Overcoming Writer's Block". The introductory paragraph should open with a hook (grabbing statement) and end with a transition phrase (next, one day). The following 5-paragraph blog post will provide tips for writers who experience writer's block. Each paragraph will include specifics to overcome this challenge, such as brainstorming ideas, discussing the idea and re-writing. Title:6 Keys to Overcoming Writer's Block Introduction:People all over the world want to write their thoughts and ideas down – whether it be a journal entry or an answer for one of those pesky online questionnaires – but sometimes we just do not feel inspired. Writer's block can creep on us at any time, especially when you are trying to write something that means a lot to you. This happens to me all the time. I just cannot seem to get my mind off of that great idea I had yesterday or maybe even last year. Body Paragraph 1: Brainstorming is an effective way to overcome writer's block. Start by asking yourself questions like "What do I really want to say?" or "What was my inspiration for this piece?" When trying to answer these questions, do not stop at one or two. Keep asking yourself different questions until your mind starts clicking with new ideas and words start falling out of your mouth (or hands). Body Paragraph 2: Some people like to write out their ideas on paper but I like to type them. If you do use the keyboard, do not stop typing until your mind is completely clear of anything that needs to be written. If you think you're done, press the space bar and write on something else randomly. Getting good ideas on paper can make you feel like you've accomplished something when in reality there is no one particular idea which you will translate into a full piece (yet). Body Paragraph 3: Getting some rest is another thing we can do to help cure writer's block. When we are tired and our brains feel more relaxed, we're likely to have more thoughts. So next time you are feeling tired, go to bed! It will only help you in the end when you sit down to write when your mind is fresh. Body Paragraph 4: Go for a walk in your neighborhood with friends or family. Take your mind off of whatever it is that's bothering you and walk in nature until your thoughts become clear again. Write an introduction for an informal blog post titled "5 Secrets for Falling in Love With Your Job". This introductory paragraph should open with a hook (grabbing statement) and end with a transition phrase (next, one day). cfa1e77820